Samstag, 30. Januar 2016

Tunnel with hollow screw, nut and ball bearings

hier seht ihr zur besseren veranschaulichung den tunnel, an dem die hohlschraube mit mutter und den beiden kugellager befestigt wird. die kugellager befinden sich natürlich eingepresst im ankle.

here you can see the tunnel with the hollow screw, the nut and the two ball bearings.
of course the ball bearings are press fitted into the ankles.

voilà le tunnel avec le boulon banjo, et les roulements.
bien sur les roulement seront pressé dans les ankles!

Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2016

Outer feet ball bearings and hollow screws

für die äußeren füße gibts kugellager. diese sind mit einer hohlschraube und mutter mit dem outer ankle verbunden. eine hohlschraube deswegen, damit die kabel von außen unsichtbar durch den ankle zum fuß und somit zum antriebsmotor geführt werden können.

the outer feet get a set of ball bearings. they are attached to the outer ankle via a hollow screw and nut. so the cables can be invisibly connected via the ankle to the foot drive.

les pieds ext. recoivent des roulements avec un boulon banjo, de sorte que les cables vont invisibles de la jambe à
l´ankle et puis au pied et son e-drive.

Montag, 25. Januar 2016

CS:L Center Foot 2.0

i just have finished the metal work on the steel center foot. it is fine sandblasted now and needs only a smooth layer of primer!

the next step is to build the second steel leg. number one is already on it´s future place, even it is not yet finished!

Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2016

Ali Foot Drive Version 1.0

i am experimenting on a sturdy ali drive version. the first version i let waterjetcut was ok, but way to thick, too heavy... a real monster!

 the next step is to make it thinner, remove more material and make it easier to handle while mounting the drive system into it. the actual drive system i built in is the e-scooter version. so stay tuned!

ich experimentiere an einer alu fuß drive version. die aktuelle ist mir allerdings noch viel zu schwer. da geht noch einiges an material rauszuholen, damit sie trotzdem stabil bleiben, aber wesentlich leichter werden.
auch werden noch einige modifikationen einfließen, die eine spätere montage des aktuell eingebauten e-scooter antriebs leichter machen.

je suis en train de construire une version d´ali foot drive. actuelllement le système est plus lourd et trop massif!
je trouverais certainement des parties pour élargier ce système. et en plus je vais modifier les pièces pour un meilleur accès et d´une montage de l´e-scooter drive.

Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2016

Étonnant !! Amazing!!

les visites sur mon blog montent de plus en plus!

et une grande partie des visiteurs viennent de la france!

merci les gars (et filles aussi!) pour visiter mon blog!

j´espère que vous aimez ce que j´écris et fabrique!

si vous avez des problèmes avec des mots où phrases en allemand, où des questions concernant les pièces r2, n´hésitez pas et écrivez-moi un commentaire (visible seulement pour moi)!!

Votre PSN

That's great news! The number of visitors of my newly created r2 blog increases from day to day!
A great number of visitors are from France.
Thank you for your visit!
I hope that you like my postings here!
In case of questions concerning the parts i build or to the articles i write here, feel free to send me a comment (only visible for me !).
Yours PSN

Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2016

New Outer Feet Version in CS:L and CS:R

for better access to the screw/nut of the outer feet, i added a small detail in the construction.
there will be a nut welded into the tunnel and on the opposite side there will be an opening to get the tools onto the screw.

here is what i mean:

the upper sheet shows one of the first designs i had. the arrows show the significant changes in design.

the upper hole is closed now (it was for the cables. this isn´t necessary anymore due to hollow screws and ball bearings in the ankles. so the cables aren´t visible anymore).
there was an error in design; the two left upper arrows show the area, that was straight in the beginning and afterwards (on the lower sheet) rounded to get a better line when welding the parts together (there was a gap).
the inner opening was enlarged to get other foot drives than the npc in it.

the next step will be to get an even larger opening than it is actually, because still not every drive system fits in perfectly.

as well there will be soon a CS:R version of  the feet with a lower final sheet frame.